Mini Adventure Drama...with a magical twist.
(...involving "homing pigeon" shoes, a beloved moto jacket, an orange shopping bag, and a dizzy female > me)
Day 1 (2 days ago):
Took a quick motorcycle trip around the Samoeng
loop, only to stupidly lose a bag i had
(obviously) tied badly onto my
bike. In that bag was an awesome pair of beat up flip-flops and my
prized motorcycle jacket that fits me like a dream
(we women of various
shapes and sizes don't find this easy to come by!). So..tracing back my route 3 times and finding nothing, i eventually gave up. Handed in
my number to a local policebox and returned home despondent.
Day 2 (yesterday): With a renewed resolve of at least ATTEMPTING to
find my jacket, i made up some posters and flyers in English and Thai
(thanks to help from my friend Tik). I went back over the area and
painstakingly got on and off my bike on a hot day to hand people the
posters and flyers and explain the situation. I figured that if i didn't
at least try, i would end up kicking myself. Nothing ventured, nothing
gained. If i didn't get the bag back, it wasn't meant to be. The nice part
of the whole thing was that it forced me to interact with people
I'm normally quite reserved about), who all turned out to be lovely and
helpful. A bonus being some mahouts with baby elephants that i stopped
to chat with.
Day 3 (today): Well officially last night really. I
received a phone call around 7pm last night. My bag was found! I was to
meet at the local police box at 9am. I arrived at the box before 9am,
(and as is the way of Thailand in general haha), when I arrived, I was told that the lady who found it had gone to work and forgotten to bring the bag in. So, I had to ride back 80km or so home and wait to return later.
Around 2pm i received a call to say the bag was handed in and to make my
way back to the policebox.
I arrived to find all the contents intact! The
(although not smiling in the photo) was lovely. I left
an envelope with a finders fee for the lady who found my bag, and a bag
of home made treats for the policeman. Really amazed and happy about
the outcome.
The magical twist...
..ok. The
flip-flops that were in the bag are really old beat up things that i
have had for approx 8 years. In that time they have been washed down a
fast flowing river and retrieved (which i actually have a comical video
of) ..fallen off on a road... fallen down a mountainside... and well, a
number of things. Yet, they somehow let themselves be found. Because of
these magical homing-pigeon flip-flops, my bag and jacket came back to
To end..
Most people do like to return
things. I could have made it easier for them to do so if i had put a
number in the pocket of the jacket or used a marker on it etc. Its a
good heads-up to me to do this to my motorcycle gear and anything
important to me. So...might be a good tip for you to do so too. ^.^